New York Scenes

New York Scenes. That’s how they call my work here. An artist in the printshop told me that when I was printing my work.
During the last five weeks, I didn’t realize this was the story I was telling in my prints. When I’m concentrating on my working flow I always forget what I was about to tell: it’s like my thoughts and doubts take over during that process and they lead me the way, it is not a concious process. At the end, when I have cleaned up my stuff and take a look at my work, the story is suddenly clear to me. Or sometimes someone else has to point it out for me.
When I just arrived here in New York I had all these plans: I wanted to make a series of prints about my impressions of New York and how I experienced it. And I had al these images in my mind. But after a week those images kept building up in my head, and I started to panic: how can I do all this in just two months? Sometimes an image needs time to develop, and I did not have that time! At least I thought I didn’t….five weeks later someone calls my work: New York Scenes.
So what I wanted to do in the first place I was already doing that, but wasn’t aware of it because I was to busy thinking of old images in my head.





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